Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Way to hell! - Smoke

      Come join my group. Lets enjoy this moment buddy. Fu*k every Fu*kn' incident. Be the boss. Come join my group!! Here we can booze, Doze and visit hell. No more restrictions! No more hesitation. Come lets bring out your emotion. Burn it in here! Lets wrath death in our arms. Control life........
      A time comes when you will be out of your kick and then realize what an ass you are. This is the feeling which every drug addicts, boozers(which i prefer calling) get after their intoxication.
      Guys its hard time now..! Lets bring our asses together and create awareness in our society. But before all this let us stop our own drinking habits and stop encouraging those who drink(dont wanna humiliate a non drinker with this sentence). Guys this step of ours is going to help a lot of people. Almost every 10 second a person dies of accident caused due to drink and drive case. Now say, is it really worth it!!!!
      Common funkies!! We are youngsters. And this life is to live beautifully. Not to toxify our inner glands and to burn life.
      And its really cool now a days not to smoke. Mark it!  You know a lot of my friends smoke! I feel so great of myself when I don't. It makes me feel like a king. Coz I have total control of my will power.
      Many of my smoking friends here might be thinking that I don't know the feel of smoke up. Before all this doubtful thoughts come to your mind I want to make 1 thing clear that I was a chain smoker for 2 complete years. And trust me buddy its lot more lively to live a anti smoking life!

Stay away from free advisers!

     Free advisers are those living creatures who shows us all the way what to do, how to do and when to do. I would like to first of all bring light on all the free advisers identity. Believe it or not all the free advisers in this world are always the most unsuccessful people in this world and if at all he/she is successful they will never give advise. Yeah its actually true. Just look around and you will know the reality.
     Free advisers are those people who aren't satisfied with their life, who failed in almost all phase of life and now want to convince others that with their free advises that they are right about the world tactics of life. They aren't mostly convincing you with their suggestions, in fact they are convincing themselves and covering the defeat they faced or facing.
      Free advisers never want you to move ahead. They are negators- means negative people that infects or try to infect your brain and pull you down to their level.
      Stay Away From Free Advisers. They never want you happy. They will insult you, show you how much big a failure you are, humiliate you in public..etc.
      Keep your focus on your goal. God will send such negators to you to test your focus. Once you pass the test you will be taken to your goal. That's destiny!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Change is the only thing permanent in life

    I will start with a real story of mine. It was a rainy day. And you know our mumbai rains. Due to some work I had been to a place where there is hardly a shade to be in. I was accompanied by a friend. 
    Suddenly it started raining and we both went sheltered under a tree. But as it was a tree you can expect it to be a complete shudded shelter. And there was no way around to cover our asses. We had to stay there.     Slow and steadily we started getting wet and the rain had no plans to stop.! We were feeling like a dunk and was getting goosebumps to get wet. Then a time came when we both got wet. 
    Nothing but my goosebumps went hewaaya and i got comfortable as if am born to get wet. I know its a crazy phrase'born to get wet'. Just fot the story effect i told.
    I realized a few things. The top most - The only thing permanent in life is change. In the begining of the above story me and my friend were afraid to get wet. Getting wet is a change right! And then when the change happened I got comfortable but my friend didn't. Thats coz I was the one who accepted the change. Whenever any situation comes its always 'change' which gets us scared. Take any situation of your life. Its always been difficult for you because you couldn't accept change.
      Guys!!Let it be breakup, going away from family, starting a new business, telling the truth...whatever it be!
      Once you understand that change is the only thing permanent you will live a life of a star. 'Everything will change but change will never change'

Mind blenders!!

1 - The illusion of happiness: I always wanted to buy a new car..havent yet -  very sad.
       One day the dream came true..I got a     new car and it came with a huge bunch of happiness.
       The second day there was a scratch on     the car & it came with a heavy bunch of sadness.
       In this bunch of sadness I forgot     that I still have a car which is the reason for a huge bunch of happiness.        
      This is what I call the illusion of happiness.

Moral:- "Happy or sad:Either way its our choice"

2 - There was a time when you couldn't even see a tear in my eyes. Now there is a river in my name & you don't even care.

3 - We need only three things to be happy:     Mind, Body & Soul.
       If you have these three gifts & still  unhappy then I consider you as insane.

4 - Don't waste time sleeping 'coz' you will get enough time to sleep when you are dead.

5 - My dedication to TV addicts:
    A life without TV is just a life without     TV,
    But a life with TV can be a life without     mental creativity which in turn creates      your life...
      Choice is yours!!

6 - A strange thing : Its been 2 years smoking and guy says its impossible to  quit. Whereas, the fact is he has lived more than 20 years of his life without   smokin' it.

7 - Life is all about acting if you be profound. We do the act of waking up then the act of getting ready, then the act of going to work,speaking to  people..etc.
       So probably God is the director.

    'My point here is play the character of  a best hero in this film called LIFE'

8 - We have choices even in the worst situation of life. Its just that our feelings influence it to make us feel the other way. Think again!!

Sex - The Ultimate power

    Wait!! Before your thinking goes deeper. Here the title means the purest and the strongest gift we have which has to be shared only with your husband/wife. The 1st step we need to fulfill our dream is to have a strong cognitive(imaginative) power. That is the power of vision.
    Sex is the only emotion which has the strongest and the desperate power of imagination which in turn creates the future to actually make it happen. Whatever you see with-in, you experience it outside. If we learn to mould the desire for sex(the purest energy) and make it work in your favor to achieve your dream. Believe me no one else can be in competition with u. U will be the god of all success. Meditate and learn the technique of directing your power of sex towards your dream. With this power your vision will touch heights and the desire to achieve you dream will become so much unsaturated that you will exert yourself to achieve that saturation by working hard and fulfilling your goals.
      If you want to experiment the power. Just try imagining a place where you have been and want to be. And next try to inculcate the sexual desire and see to what peak your imagination goes.
      Do deep meditation you will automatically learn to control the power. This is so strong that using even a bit of this power can get you wealth to buy a aircraft for yourself.

 Meditate daily in the morning and mould your power of sex and use it to achieve your dream.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The lesson I learnt

     Here I want to tell you guys about what great lesson I learnt yesterday. It was evening time. I love to walk in the evening.. Am sure most of you guys too. Ok back to our point. There was a friend of mine who accompanied me for a walk. Don't want to offend him in anyway so not taking his name. Lets call (Mr. A). On our small walking trip we got engrossed in a topic, useless one rather. It was about a thunder being struck in a particular area. Before our conversation started my aim was to go to a garden which is a bit far and my friend dint want to walk that far. Then our topic started. I told that in xyz area two people got thunder shock and died on the spot. He same time objected that it is not called shock and the technical term is current. Ohh before this I want to tell you guys that mr A was a technical person(guy of screw and nuts..I mean engineer). He started accusing our country for using wrong technical words. He was correct in his way. Then my preaching started with an example 'If you tell any of ur family member to stay away from a particular switch that they will get current. Or if you say the same thing that to stay away from a switch else they will get a shock...Either way it is understood right..!!'
      'You cant even imagine guys that by the time we finished our conversation we had reached the place which I had aimed at.'
      Lesson I learnt: When you get engrossed in something you wont even know you reach heights. So guys from today on get engrossed in acquiring your dream. Start doing small small things that take you to your dream. Its My words buddy. Mark it. Minutes will convert into hours and hours into days, days into weeks and weeks into months. Like this years will pass and soon enough you will be tagged with a lot of names like master, perfectionist, inspiring, great...and even 'God'.

      My aim is to get the best out of you..!!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Enjoy every moment: Success will come to you.See how?

 Hello everyone back there. First of all I want to thank all my respected readers. Its your love because of which I am inspired to write more.
    Ok!! Back to the session here. Before starting I want to ask you a question: "There are many people who think positive about the  future and still dont achieve anything. Why? Those people think positive about the future, then why?"

     "I never think of the future- it comes soon enough"
                            -Sir Albert Einstein

      Exactly! You got me right. Most of the people have their own future aspects and aspirations,which is not at all wrong. The only and the most biggest problem is they think only of the future, no daring step they take(act on that thought). People of this kind suffer from a disease called 'imaginative disorder'. Don't get me wrong I didn't mean that imagination is wrong. In fact, imagination is more important than knowledge to acquire success in life. What here I mean is 'Live in the present'. I repeat 'Live in the present'. Sir Einstein also said that future will come soon enough then why not to enjoy the present. It has a deep meaning than perceived.
      It means when you are walking ENJOY WALKING, When you are eating ENJOY EATING, when you are working ENJOY WORKING. Whatever you are doing, do it in such a way that no one else in this world can do that thing like you do. Enjoy the present moment so much that sadness gets afraid of you. And here by moment I mean each and every milli-second.
      So get the hell out of you and enjoy the breeze of the beautiful gift called life. Every second passed will never return so just smile and smile and feel the essence of the beauty. Walk in my path and I assure you Life can never be this great. All the success will come to you.
      Thanks a lot guys. Still more is going to come. Enjoy blogging with us.

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